It is expected that robots will gradually replace humans
in the future. In many companies and factories, industrial automatic robots
actually have become part of the essential work force.
In line with social changes, NAU Robotics, an industrial
robot manufacturer, has developed automation systems using robots and produced
robots as well. This reporter met CEO Lee Jong-ju of NAU Robotics and talked
about more details.
Would You Introduce Your Company?
We manufacture industrial robots. After working for about
12 years, I got to start my own business. The company since its establishment
in 2016 has steadily been growing.
During our earlier days, we developed automation systems
using robots and supplied them. Now, we are at the stage of manufacturing
robots and beginning to sell them based on relevant technology. We are steadily
executing R&D to make our company a reliable, differentiated and
competitive enterprise.
I hope the company will grow to become a future-oriented
business by manufacturing industrial robots and developing medical machinery.
Our company has been leading robot technologies in all fields, such as
manufacturing, service and education. We aim to expand the industrial robot
field, and have expanded our business to the fields of robots and automation
We are making efforts to continuously develop new items
to satisfy our customers. We also take good care of the employees’ welfare by
improving the working environment for them and creating working conditions so
that they can work in a family-like atmosphere.
Would You Tell us about the Flagship Products of NAU Robotics?
Above all, we have NAU Robotics industrial robots. They are sophisticated robots developed based on the know-how of robot experts working for our company. The industrial robot series were made combining such technology and systems. They were manufactured based on know-how applying automation systems developed by our company over many years.
We have improved production processes which can satisfy customers’ needs while considering the comfortable working environment of the employees first of all and at the same time, have materialized the best robot automation systems. We have made industrial robots, such as NC-type handling cartesian take-out robots, multi-axes robots and Scara robots.
In addition, various industrial robot automations systems which improve the efficiency and convenience of operation sites are our main field.
We are equipped with technologies for concept design and total design of entire lines. The industrial environment rapidly changes with the times. I can say confidently that our company finished robot automation systems by understanding such changes and establishing production automation systems in the fiercely competitive market.
Through it, the company provides the best solutions so that the customers can have competitiveness in terms of costs, quality and service.
NAU Robotics is an enterprise owning cases of E.O.A.T take-out jig application and technology. The company has technology for rapidly figuring out increasingly complicated injection molds and production structure to design customized E.O.A.T. Furthermore, the company has accurate technology to predict the cycles of applications and limit the loads on systems, and accordingly provides solutions.
Have You Had Any Difficulties in Running the
In the case of the robot industry, many companies are
established by researchers. As they are research companies, it is difficult for
them to be profitable. As I have worked in this industry for a long time, our
company has continuously been growing, since its establishment.
Due to COVID-19, the conditions for automobile production
have been worsened and investment in automation facilities has been reduced.
However, the demand and interest for automation service and robots are
increasing because of the corona pandemic.
We are lacking domestic manpower. It is necessary to
raise social interest, as labor costs have risen and value has been enhanced in
Korea, demand for manufacturing has decreased, and introduction of robot
automation systems has become essential, in my opinion.
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