

NAU Technics Executes a Project to Support Establishment of Smart Factories


NAU Technics starts a project to support establishment of smart factories. According to the company, it will lead the efforts to raise competitiveness of SMEs in manufacturing sites in line with a project of the Ministry of SMEs and Startups aimed at supplying more smart factories in 2021. As part of the project, the company has a plan to cooperate for automation of smart factory processes and establishment of sophisticated MES systems.

Smart factories aimed at integrating all stages from product planning to selling with ICT technology are cutting-age intelligent factories considered as an alternative to achieve high facility operation rates, productivity and sales. Accordingly, government institutions and a large number of enterprises are making contributions to support the establishment of smart factories by small and mid-sized companies and raising the manufacturing capability. NAU Technics is going to support the efforts to spread the introduction of smart factories to reduce the prime cost and shorten manufacturing lead times and to establish site-centered management systems appropriate for the practical working flow.

Source: Monthly Robot Technology

