총 67 개
NAU Robotics, a Startup in Black. . . “We will lead the manufacturing and logistics automation robot industry.”
A huge number of startups are born every year, but most of them disappear quietly. They say that only two or three
[Issue] NAU Robotics Starts to Expand the Share of the Industrial Robot Market… “To Promote the Listing on Kosdaq Next Year”
NAU Robotics introduced NURO X, new robots, at ‘Korea Pack 2022’ held at KINTEX in Gyeonggi-do on June 14~17. At the exhibition,
NAU Robotics Successfully Completes ‘Korea PACK 2022’ Exhibition with LS Mtron
NAU Robotics Successfully Completes ‘Korea PACK 2022’ Exhibition with LS Mtron NAU Robotics, a leader of robotics, successfully completed ‘Korea PACK 2022’
NAU Robotics, Selected as a Small But Strong Enterprise by the Ministry of Employment and Labor for Two Consecutive Years
NAU Robotics, ‘a leader of robotics,’ (CEO Lee Jong-ju) was selected by the Ministry of Employment and Labor as a small but
NAU Robotics, Leader of Robot Automation Making Growth Continuously
NAU Robotics is dreaming of becoming a young global robot maker with its accumulated capacity! At present, we are greeting the 4th
[Press Vision] NAU Robotics Pledges to Be a Global Robot Maker by Relocating Its Headquarters to a New Building
산업용 로봇부터 스마트 팩토리를 아우르는 로봇 전문 기업 (주)나우로보틱스가 지난 4월 신제품 생산라인 확충과 직원 사기 증진의 일환으로 신사옥 이전을 완료하고 글로벌
NAU Robotics “to Become a Global Robotics Company” Through IPO
“NAU Robotics “to Become a Global Robotics Company” Through IPO “NAU Robotics probably is the only robot venture which has continuously recorded
NAU Robotics Introduces Plastic Injection Molding Multi-Axes Robot ‘NURO X’
NAU Robotics announced on April 18 that it had released multi-joint robots which have realized the secondary automation of plastic injection. NURO
[Company field trip] CEO Lee Jong-ju of NAU Robotics
As the non-face-to-face economy has expanded across the entire society since the COVID-19 pandemic, a wind of fundamental change has been blowing
NAU Robotics, a Leader of Robot Automation
It is expected that robots will gradually replace humans in the future. In many companies and factories, industrial automatic robots actually have
NAU Robotics Relocates Its Office Building to a Larger One in Namdong Industrial Complex, Incheon
NAU Robotics announced on March 16 that it moved its office building to establish a robot mass-production system and expand the employees
NAU Robotics Launch Smart Injection Cartesian Robot ‘NURO’
NAU Robotics, a ‘dark horse’ in industrial robots, released orthogonal robot NURO which can reflect the trend of injection molds optimally and
“It Is Desperately Necessary to Improve Negative Perceptions of SMEs to Expand Youth Employment”
[The Korea Industry Daily] It is not easy for SMEs and startups to pay attention to the welfare of employees. NAU Robotics,
“Why Do You Introduce Robots?”
[The Korea Industry Daily] A growing tendency is that small and mid-sized manufacturers try to strengthen their competitiveness power by introducing robots.
NAU Robotics Selected as a Youth-Friendly Small but Strong Company
[Financial News] NAU Robotics announced on Feb. 3 that the company was selected as a ‘2022 youth-friendly small but strong business’ hosted
나우로보틱스 산업용 로봇, ‘2023 로보월드 어워드’ 수상
지능형 로봇 전문 업체 나우로보틱스가 국내 최대 로봇 전시회에서 산업용 로봇 제품의 우수성을 인정받았다. 나우로보틱스는 ‘2023 로보월드 어워드’ 제조업용 로봇 분야에 출품한
나우로보틱스 이종주 대표, ‘대통령 표창’ 수상 영예
이종주 대표, “대한민국 대표 글로벌 로봇기업으로 성장하겠다” [인더스트리뉴스 조창현 기자] 4차 산업혁명 시대 실현을 위한 핵심 산업인 로봇산업 발전에 기여한 유공자를 발굴,
나우로보틱스, ‘로보월드’서 다관절로봇 등 라인업 대거 소개
나우로보틱스(대표 이종주)가 고양시 킨텍스에서 열리는 ‘2023 로보월드’에 참가, 산업용 로봇과 물류로봇 등 라인업 다수를 공개한다고 12일 밝혔다. 14일까지 나우로보틱스 부스에서는 뉴로 시리즈(직교취출로봇),
나우로보틱스, 국내 최초 ‘더현대 서울’서 산업용 로봇 선보여
나우로보틱스는 글로벌 시장 진출을 앞두고 ‘더현대 서울’에서 다관절 로봇을 선보인다고 3일 밝혔다. ‘루픽’과 함께 협업해 ‘더현대 서울’ 팝업스토어에 다관절 로봇 NURO X를
나우로보틱스, 폴란드 지사 설립…글로벌 진출 본격화
국내 산업용 로봇 시장을 선도하는 나우로보틱스가 글로벌 시장에 본격적으로 진출한다고 26일 밝혔다. 동유럽 시장을 선두로 글로벌 시장 진출을 본격화하는 것이다. 이종주 나우로보틱스
[BUTECH 2023] 나우로보틱스, 물류로봇 시연으로 로봇 자동화 전문 기업 이미지 제고
스마트 제조 기술을 한눈에 볼 수 있는 ‘제11회 부산국제기계대전(BUTECH 2023)’이 5월 16일(화)부터 19일(금)까지 부산 해운대구 벡스코에서 개최됐다. 이번 전시회에서 나우로보틱스는 직교 타입